Saturday, September 25, 2004

Swings and Roundabouts

Saturdays cost saving iniative moved forward into a new era and level. Had two letters from Warwickshire County council which worried me a little. Luckily one was about five a side, the other was a chase up for council tax ( they wanted 68 quid ). Phone bill from BT (38 quid) and also an elecricity bill for 52 quid - sure I switched over to British Gas for that !?!

Went food shopping - and thats it - into town - avoiding CD/DVD/Clothes shops - purchased enough food for the week - including packed lunch stuff - see if I can reduce my spending at work (normally around 25 quid per week - thats 100 quid a month - imagine how many beers you can get for that!!). Spent around 40 quid for the week on food - and that includes cleaning products.

On the plus side, I managed to get back 68p on my IBM Shared from June

Imagine my suprise when neighbours (HIYA!!) John and Debbie MSN me with notice that they have got me a fab present - turns out to be two.

  1. George Mikes' - How to be Poor - Penguin Publications
  2. Alan Whicker - Australia Through the eyes and lives of resident Poms - Fontana/Collins
Alan Whicker - Fantastic huh ? Or as;
  • The Daily Express says "hugely entertaining"
  • Terry Wogan says "I was delighted"
  • Sunday People said, "A real treasure trove"
  • The star exclaims, "Good on yer, Alan"

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