Monday, September 27, 2004

CSIs - the list continues

After discussing random Cost Saving Iniatives (CSI) at the gentleman's club - its been decided to document it on this web site for all to take on board - which in itself is a CSI for you, as you dont have to waste time reinventing the wheel.
  • Go to work naked - no need to dirty clothes - saves on water & washing powder & electricity
  • Grow a beard - keeps face warm - cuts down on heating - and traps food for later
  • Send bills back to BT without Cheques in them - buys you time util you get paid
  • Trap water in pint glasses when having a shower - then you can reuse for drinking/rising after toothbrushing
  • Kill the swans on the canal, sell the meat as "chicken" and their feathers to pillow companies
  • Dont go to work ... save on petrol, spending money in the canteen and cups of tea
  • Dont have friends - never need to go out again, buy a round at the pub or birthday presents.
  • Take up smoking - investment makes profit - smoke = no need to eat food = slimming quickly = no big food shopping bills

Anymore items email to

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