Sunday, September 12, 2004

its oh, so quiet *

Was invited to the neighbours lastnight for a round of drinks, however due to the fact that Stella are now just about to sponsor me due to the intake of their beautiful beverage, I decided to pass. However it appears that its my fault that John and Debbie are hungover from the Friday night, when I was being sociable .. which has resulted into blog-wars.

Lets get the facts straight;
  • I invited John and Debbie around for "one drink"
  • John falls asleep, mentioning something about David Bowie and Pixies
  • Debbie drinks 3/4 bottle of white wine
  • I talk complete sense to everyone for approx 3 hours
  • Ate FAB lolly before going to bed
  • John did in fact scream like a girl while standing on the step to the canal

Anyhoo, ended up watching Fargo, curled up on my sofa, then Newcastle - Blackburn on match of the day - went to bed. See I can be a good boy once in a while

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