Thursday, October 28, 2004

Steve - maybe not so shy

I've decided after hanging around, being shy, regretting a few things - that maybe its time to do something about females that I like. There have been plenty of times I've sat back, thought about it too much and spent weeks just regretting what could have been, if only I had opened my blushing mouth, even if it results in a knock back. I have done this once already this year, once - and yet I had the greatest 2 weeks of my life down in my second home. However, due to a few cack handed decisions in my world, my confidence was a little bit low.

Anyhoo, there is this attractive lass who turns up to football, seems pretty canny, and I thought she seems nice, so will do some digging around. Unfortunately my sources conclude that she's seeing someone - twat on a stick!

Nevermind, starting to get braver!

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