Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I've been attending the FA Coaching Level 1 Course for the last couple of weeks and to be honest, its interesting, very interesting and filled with common sense which you do automatically, and dont really appreciate. Part of the assessment is presenting a "drill" using the rest of the people on the course as the kids. You have to do nice things like introduce yourself, do health and safety checks and then demonstrate, encourage and provide support if required. Lastnight was a preparation for the final assessment, and we were marked accordingly in pairs, I had the opportunity to work with a fine fellow called Keith.

We have 3 weeks left, 2 of which consist of theory work, homework and preparing for the final assessment. I was given "Duos" as my final assessment, luckily, Pete had that in his preparation session, so hopefully can help each other out. The assessment criteria is split into different sections, and you dont even have to deliver the drill has its explained in the manual / DVD - as long as the "kids" are having a good laugh and you do the H&S section. Each section is marked with a tick, or an action plan, myself and the other chap (Keith) got all ticks apart from one action plan, which consisted of us not standing in the designated "safety" area - even tho we stood well away from the danger areas on the pitch.

Fingers crossed, by 11th December, all of the Leamington Brakes Coaches who are involved should have passed and deserve a nice drink. Also nice to make new friends and contacts around the world of football. Something that I certainly want to progress (all being well and I actually pass this one)

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